WHSF has provided over 1000 Girls with Global ICT training under the "Her Golden Voice" initiative. (Cybersecurity, Drone Technology System, Artificial Intelligent & Coding )

Gender is an important issue in information and communication technologies (ICT). Studies show that ICT use is subject to gender bias, e.g. about ICT use and interests. This contribution describes the current situation of gender and ICT professions.
The Girls in ICT Program is a free, integrated skills training program that combines technical training and hands-on experience to achieve a sustainable goal. This training is informed by the inactive of young women and girl children in 21st-century technology. We are proposing a secondary school technical training to the girl students to encourage them and equip them for the future.

We organized our 2023 ICT event with the collaboration of the Oyo State Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology to commemorate International Day for the Girls in ICT.

WHSF welcomes over 100 girls from different schools and provides knowledge based on Information Communication Technology. Awards and prizes were won and certificates of participation were awarded to all participating schools.